Monday, October 11, 2010

Things Can Only Get Better

It is a good world they say, but what is good about the world we exist in. The message of hope is, ‘it is well’. Some even say, ‘life is good’.

Is life good indeed, in a world where we dare not say no even at the proclaimed state of freedom. Government is not helping matters; I do not expect anything from the government because since I was a child the song has always been that we have a poor leadership.

The next door neighbors are not in anyway better. Maybe I should assume that life challenges have taken their good selves and have replaced it with the unfair state of nature. I reminded myself of the good truth that it could be costly to assume.

I said the state of nature is unfair but the laws of nature are good. They should guide us into leading right and with less mistakes and evil. May be man has structures or determines the state of nature.

Oh! I am tired, tired of what. I think I am not helping matters. If I think I am not helping matters, I better think of a solution, but what can I offer. Even if I do not know what to offer, I should take consolation in the proven fact that thinkers are the reformers. The world awaits a man that can think.

Let’s think of the events around us, what about family relationships, the church people? What is the message of truth doing to us? 
I don’t think I can continue with this article, everything seems dark. Ooooooooooh!

Uuuuuups! I can see a glimpse of the light; I think I have been too pessimistic. There is God. I believe! God is love, says the Bible. Man is configured in the image of God who is love; therefore man is a loving being. Why are we not sharing love? I think this is a question everybody must answer. I have started thinking; therefore, I think it is because love should be reciprocal. Express love to someone today in an amazing way, I mean in an unconditional way and let us see. I bet it, if you love unconditionally, you will not notice that your love is not requited.

Ask me what I now see after I started thinking? I see hope. I cared to look at the photograph of a less privileged child in a poverty stricken nation. The boy smiled, while carrying his almost hunger-dead brother and I saw hope. In fact, I gave myself a good slap, the type of a clean slap that a commercial driver could receive from an angry may be hungry policeman. Why will I be full of despair after all, I am  better of?

Thinkers are the reformers, I repeat. The great philosopher said, I think therefore I exist, Cogito Ergo Sum, meaning we exist to think. If we are not fulfilling the purpose of existence, then the society may be a cruel place to live in. may be I should ask, does anyone have his or her brain to spare? At least if we are not using our brain, probably, we should practice frugality, lend it out to people.
Did I say I see hope earlier? Tell the single mother that is a petty trader beside your house that things can only get better, tell that husband with a wounded home that even when the Bible says it is better to stay in the wilderness than with a lascivious and angry woman, things can only get better, what about the confused leader that is struggling with sabotage, things can only get better, the doctor that can not fulfill his passion of helping the afflicted due to a lack of the equipment needed, tell him to improvise. This is my message of hope!

I need to share this story; I was at a hospital, where we had two doctors, battling with a patient whose liver is in pieces. The patient was as good as dead! The two doctors had the following conversation:

Doctor A: let’s wait for his people to come and carry their corpse

Doctor B: But this man still has life

Doctor A: Alive with a torn liver

Doctor B: The reason he was brought to the hospital

Doctor A: ok, I wish you the best. Try your best and tempt the God you serve

Doctor B: When there is life, there is hope. I hope he will be fine.

Doctor B began the thought process, how do I rescue this man with my skills.
In the dead of the night when the nurses were probably asleep, he performed an operation, putting together the torn liver as if he was sewing pieces of cloth together. After the operation he went home. Returning in the afternoon, the great Healer had perfected Doctor B’s work. The patient could talk slowly. For real! Doctor B was happy, thanking God. While doctor A, wondered and said anything could be possible, if you are willing.

This is my message of hope. Be hopeful and keep thinking, how do we have a better world to live. After all I started this article in the dark and suddenly, I see hope. Hope does not exist in a vacuum, people give hope. My supervisor gave me hope. I hope I give hope to at least a life before the day runs out. I am still thinking!

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