Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Pain Pays

He who will live to tell the story of a war must not die in the battle. Some battles must be lost for some to be won. In a case where you are not strong enough to fight the attackers, you should be ready to lose the battle or die. A wise man will choose the former to the latter. We lose some battle to live to fight again, maybe then as a better and fortified warrior. Every wise individual must know when to retreat and the time to surrender.
 Life itself is pain. A mother gives life to a child in terrible pains. The child comes out of her mother’s womb in pain; no wonder, the baby cries when it arrives on planet earth. A baby that does not cry at birth (if there is any) is abnormal.
Pain (physical or emotional) brings the best out of every individual- the reason why the career/ life coach advocates leaving the comfort zone. Emotional pains teaches character and makes one a better individual. Little wonder the age long saying, experience (bitter in most cases) is the best teacher, remains invaluable.
Physical pains, in the form of exercises help in keeping fit. The diva with the great, mind-blowing and head turning shape goes through painful physical exercises to retain the compliments. The CEO in that outstanding organization experiences painful and sacrificial sleepless nights to keep shining in that lofty position that should be envied.
Pains make living worth it. A skin that does not feel pain is leprous. No one likes leprosy, therefore pains should be appreciated. Every success has a story which is mostly that of pain and perseverance.
Pain is worth appreciating. Appreciate the painful moments. Enjoy the storms of life  when you can!

Friday, December 30, 2011

As We Wrap up a Year to Unfold Another.

It is about time to say good bye to the year 2011. It's been a year for me. Full of many reasons to thank God. January for me was quite boring and I was as well full of hope. February was very hectic I must confess. In March, I was a lot more confused than ever before in my dear life. Between April and September I wish I didnt have the life I had. Between October and December, I picked up the life from where i dropped it.

In all these, God has been merciful, gracious and faithful. There are many things to appreciate God for. I was not hospitalised all through the year, God granted me journey mercies all through, I have food on my table, I didn't lose any loved one, I have hope in life, I have Jesus by my side, I can eat, I can walk, I can breathe and many things I can't count.

I am full of hope that there are better days ahead! The year 2012 is for signs and wonders. Things only keep getting better.


Sunday, October 9, 2011


Ask me who a friend should be? I will tell you, he or she is that person that loves you from your weak points, ready to bear your shame and sacrifice unconditionally.


Peace is great to possess but greed is the enemy of peace. Greed is innate in every man but complemented by self-control. Greed simply aids darkness and enhances traps.
-Gbemi Orims.


In a world where every man runs helter-skelter for selfish gains, control your level of trust even in your religious circus which is where trust is embedded and most times betrayed.
- Gbemi Orims.


No man falls into an evil trap without having expressed his greedy nature.


A good percentage of mature and successful men have two kinds of women in their lives: the wife and the whore. The wife may remain constant but the whore varies. They gain pleasant time and pleasurable memories from the whore but the wife remains the pain bearing and frustrated possessive being.
-Gbemi Orims.